Thursday, November 8, 2007

Local PLN 7

Bright comet from The Denver Post

This is really cool, I’ve never seen a comet before and it would be really cool to see one, but I don’t think that it said when it would come. Why doesn’t this stuff get on the news more often? Space is so cool and instead of hearing about it all we hear is who raped someone or who died. Something is defiantly wrong with our society and we really need to fix it and fast. Not just stories about space but with other important things. Many good stories are being pushed aside to stories about celebrities or scandals. I personally don’t want anything to do with that, I want to know more about what happens with today in science or sports. So skip the sad stories and weather and make more room for stuff that doesn’t make people fell bad and instead informs them.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

World PLN 6

Olympic Tickets crash from

Hmmm, let me think, has this happened before? Oh ya, that’s right, it only happened a week ago with World Series tickets! What is going on here? Why can’t they figure it out? I can maybe understand a first time team messing it up, but isn’t China supposed to be the most technologically advanced country with all their computers and what not? How could the most famous and popular world event ticket center crash with all the money and time being put into things? They should have backups or something along those lines. I can only imagine (and can’t wait for) the winter Olympics in Toronto in ’10, those ticket sales should just be a hoot. Hopefully we all learn from this. Maybe Toronto won’t screw the tickets up, even with the super advanced technology that Canada is known for. Just kidding, were going to learn from this and I’m pretty confident that the Olympic squad or team or whatever there called will be on to of it. By the way, this summer will be twice as good as normal because of the Olympics.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Local PLN 5

Toddler rescued from air duct from the Denver Post

HOW DOES THIS HAPPEN! A little kid falls, sorry, a baby, falls down a seven foot air duct, that’s a long way. I know it was an accident and no one was seriously hurt, but what was the mother doing at the time. I know that she told her other children to stop, and that elderly man dove down the duct to try and help. Did he think it through though? It’s a seven foot air duct and I’m pretty sure that he was not seven feet tall. What was he thinking, he really could have injured himself. Luckily, no one was hurt. Lets hope, the two elder siblings got the beat down, like seriously hard to the ground, ten spankings each and two hours in the room. Not really, but seriously they need to be punished. We can’t have these hooligans running around our streets, opening air ducks for anyone to fall into. That was a joke, I really don’t mean that, but something needs to be done. It’s not really that big of a deal, I just hope it doesn’t happen again.

Edu. PLN 5

Digital Native photo of the Day from the Fischbowl

I can even relate to this. My nine year old sister has much more available to her than I had six years ago. She has plenty of video games to play, that I very, very generously helped to contribute (about 65% is my money and another 25% is from parents and gifts). I didn’t get my first video games until I was 12, she was six. Not only that, but if I were to even try to play the games she is playing now on the computer six years ago, it might take a good ten minutes to load every thing, and the graphics would just be horrible. DVDs’ also add to the collection; remember having to “fast forward” all the commercials? Well the only time she sees previews is in movie theaters. Not only technology, but the teaching styles have changed, the environment has changed. It’s not the Back Street Boys or Britney Spears, It’s Hannah Montana and who knows what else she listens to. Even after all this change, the classics still pull through though. Riding bikes was and still is the thing to do as well as Christmas and playing video games.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Edu. PLN 4

Arapahoe celebrity from the Rocky Mountain News

This is so true. I watched it about three times before it hit me that this was the reality of it all. I couldn’t believe all the info on it as well as the publicity that Mr.Fisch got. He got national attention, even international attention for just an eight minute presentation. I’ve been going to school for about two months, that doesn’t sound like that long, but
I would think if anyone went anywhere they would relies that they were in the presence of a celebrity. I didn’t and I don’t think that half the school did. One of my only questions is where he got all of this info. I’m sure he is a respectable man, but we don’t know if the sites he used are legitimate. Did he just Google search this, or did he come across it while reading something and thought it would be cool to show a bunch of over look facts to teachers. I give the man a lot of credit, he did a great job. But sooner or later you have to wonder where he got all of his information.

Local PLN 4

"Illegal" txt messages from the Denver Post

Why do school administrators insist on doing this? They know very well that they are violating freedom of speech, but they keep on doing it. If you have a hunch on a crime, don’t start violating others rights. That’s just sinking to the “criminals” level. Here’s another good question, did this guy even have cigarettes? If he didn’t have them in his possession, how can he look through his cell phone? I might be wrong, but I thought it was only illegal to purchase tobacco, not use it. This is probably not right, but that is what I remember. Not is this only bad if he was innocent, but what if the administrators read something that the student want him to read. Like personal information and stuff like that. Cell phones are very personal to people because it has pictures and txt messages of course, but some have video and music that some don’t want viewed. I personally don’t get txt messaging, but I know people who do and I know that they say stuff that don’t want peers at school to read, and they’re not illegal mind you. This is the same as reading email or regular mail from the post office. I don't get it, why do they think that they can just do this. It just boggles my mind. I just don't understand, this just stinks.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Local PLN 3

Bias TBS announcers from The Denver Post

Why do we have two hicks announcing the NLDS and the NLCS, when half the teams are in the far west and Chicago isn’t even on the cost? But yet we have totally bias judges that “happen” to know all the Philies names, but only seem to know half of are names? Not only did they total disrespect our organization, but they were boring. They stated all the obvious statements and I think I herd one of them say that if the Rockies get a double play, it could end the inning. The funny/stupid part is there were already two outs. All they did all inning was state the obvious and not give us any stats. I love the Rockies announcers because they allow us to connect to the game and make it fun. They add historical facts and an analysis on someone if they are doing really good or really bad. All I here from these guys are the pitch count and how much the hot doges are at the stadium. They need some guys that have played the game so they can actually tell us why someone might have done something wrong. This may sound like a very stupid topic to choose for my weekly PLN, but it has to do more with the fact that just because you’re a big shot, doesn’t mean you’re the best. One guy, Don Orsillo, is a veteran RED SOX announcer. What in the name of heaven is he doing hosting a NATIONAL league series. Boston is also like 200 miles from Philadelphia, Denver is like 2,000. The other guy, Joe Simpson, has announced for 15 years for the Atlanta Braves. This is the guy that makes it so bias because the Braves are in the same division as the Philies, so already knows their names. I don’t know, we need some guys from ESPN or something like that, at least they tell us stats about the players more often than 9 innings every game.

Edu. PLN 3

Two Steps forward… from The Fischbowl

This is a very good thing for us students. Most of us are able to get wireless internet on a wireless devise, like the ones mentioned, and now there are limitless ways to get information. If you want to look up a score in a game, or look up a definition, now you can do it without walking all the way down to the library to get 10 seconds of information. But when you read further, you find that the same restrictions on the library apply to the wireless thing you are using. Why of how does it do this? Like one time I looked up a quote “The pen is stronger than the Sward” and saw that you spell it sword. So I click on the correction, find the quote and it said that I can’t look at is because it has to do with a weapon. I ended up just going back to the miss spell and getting it, but don’t you think that’s a little to strict? What are we supposed to do in History? Is it going to deny us access to looking a a civil war rifle “because it’s a weapon”?! That’s just lame. They need to get a looser filter because I don’t think anyone will try and look up how to make a bomb in the middle of a library filled with 75+ students. I also watched that Pangaea clip and it looks awesome. I think they are finally taking steps in the right direction for world peace. I know that it sounds improbable, but we can’t understand how to help one another unless we all know where we are all coming from.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Edu. PLN 2

'Nation's Report Card' Shows Improvement from the Washington Post

Maybe this is from local / world news, but it has to do with education, so here it goes. I don’t really know how to interpret this article, but it seams that the writer is surprised. Why the heck is he surprised? We should be jumping for joy even if the scores went up a half a percent! We improved from two years ago, and if we keep that up, well be pumping out more Albert Einstein’s than french fries at McDonalds. I think that these numbers are pretty good. I mean you have to take into account that some students don’t take the test, and if the numbers are on the slow decline, so what, at least they aren’t getting smaller. If we keep this up, America will be headed into a good and great future in math& science as well as politics and economy.

Local News 2 PLN

Boulder students protest "God" in pledge on Denver Post

I have had enough with people and being politically correct. Why is there a story about a religion almost every month? People just need to suck it up and take it. The constitution states that we can believe and practice any religion we want to, and I respect that. But do these people know that the declaration was written with that Bible in hand. The founding fathers referred to the book more than any other reference. Every single founding father was Christian and based it off of that every one is entitled to their opinion and God is the savior. That is why the pledge refers to Him. I’m sure that 99% of America respects our founding fathers, but why do they have to worry only about them selves and not what the majority of America believes. This also brings up a subject that I don’t understand. Why do people, who oppose any thing to do with God and everything being politically correct, celebrate Christmas? The meaning of Christmas is to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. But they just seem to be wrapped around the present idea. Why don’t they celebrate nothing in May just the same as in winter. Then they wouldn’t have to call it Christmas and they could follow their “politically correct” ways. I hate hypocrites.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Edu. news PLN

I watched the “Did you know” 1+2 last night on the Fischbowl, and I thought they were awesome. I thought all the facts were very intriguing and I showed my mom and she thought it was amazing too. All the facts about China and India were interesting. I didn’t think that their population was that much different. The size of the country to population ratio compared to the U.S. is ridicules. Everyone would be horrified with the government if it got that much out of control. China is barely bigger than us and has at least twice the people. There are also many more things that are interesting, such as the myspace visits or the text messaging stat. It is all to much to comprehend at one time, but it is all worth knowing.

local news PLN

This has to be the funniest thing I have ever read in a newspaper article, even though it was online. This guy is found at a bus stop and has a Fu Manchu mustache, in a full suit of armor and an Aladdin style sword covered in blood. People got scared and called the cops, once they caught the man they questioned him, like “Why do you have a sword?” and “What are you doing?” The answer could not be any more random or stupid. He was on his way to a video game convention! Isn’t that the funniest thing you have ever herd, the sward was made of wood as well. They just let him of with nothing because he didn’t even do anything.
You have to admit, that is the lamest yet hilarious thing you have ever read. A guy with a Fu Manchu mustache on his face is awesome. That makes the story funny enough. Then you top it off with the same man wearing a full suit of armor, a bloody wooden Arabian sward, and he was headed to a video game convention. What a dork, If I were on the scene, I wouldn’t call the cops, I would ask him how long it took him to grow in the mustache.