Thursday, September 27, 2007

Local News 2 PLN

Boulder students protest "God" in pledge on Denver Post

I have had enough with people and being politically correct. Why is there a story about a religion almost every month? People just need to suck it up and take it. The constitution states that we can believe and practice any religion we want to, and I respect that. But do these people know that the declaration was written with that Bible in hand. The founding fathers referred to the book more than any other reference. Every single founding father was Christian and based it off of that every one is entitled to their opinion and God is the savior. That is why the pledge refers to Him. I’m sure that 99% of America respects our founding fathers, but why do they have to worry only about them selves and not what the majority of America believes. This also brings up a subject that I don’t understand. Why do people, who oppose any thing to do with God and everything being politically correct, celebrate Christmas? The meaning of Christmas is to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. But they just seem to be wrapped around the present idea. Why don’t they celebrate nothing in May just the same as in winter. Then they wouldn’t have to call it Christmas and they could follow their “politically correct” ways. I hate hypocrites.

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