Sunday, October 28, 2007

Local PLN 5

Toddler rescued from air duct from the Denver Post

HOW DOES THIS HAPPEN! A little kid falls, sorry, a baby, falls down a seven foot air duct, that’s a long way. I know it was an accident and no one was seriously hurt, but what was the mother doing at the time. I know that she told her other children to stop, and that elderly man dove down the duct to try and help. Did he think it through though? It’s a seven foot air duct and I’m pretty sure that he was not seven feet tall. What was he thinking, he really could have injured himself. Luckily, no one was hurt. Lets hope, the two elder siblings got the beat down, like seriously hard to the ground, ten spankings each and two hours in the room. Not really, but seriously they need to be punished. We can’t have these hooligans running around our streets, opening air ducks for anyone to fall into. That was a joke, I really don’t mean that, but something needs to be done. It’s not really that big of a deal, I just hope it doesn’t happen again.


Sean J. said...

Caleb, you made some really good points. I think that this accident will be a real wakeup call for the mother. You showed good voice in the blog i enjoyed it.

Anonymous said...

Caleb... You're mad that the mom for not watching her kids and you're glad that no one was hurt, yet you hope they beat the older two... I don't get it. I mean really I'm very confused.