Thursday, November 8, 2007

Local PLN 7

Bright comet from The Denver Post

This is really cool, I’ve never seen a comet before and it would be really cool to see one, but I don’t think that it said when it would come. Why doesn’t this stuff get on the news more often? Space is so cool and instead of hearing about it all we hear is who raped someone or who died. Something is defiantly wrong with our society and we really need to fix it and fast. Not just stories about space but with other important things. Many good stories are being pushed aside to stories about celebrities or scandals. I personally don’t want anything to do with that, I want to know more about what happens with today in science or sports. So skip the sad stories and weather and make more room for stuff that doesn’t make people fell bad and instead informs them.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

World PLN 6

Olympic Tickets crash from

Hmmm, let me think, has this happened before? Oh ya, that’s right, it only happened a week ago with World Series tickets! What is going on here? Why can’t they figure it out? I can maybe understand a first time team messing it up, but isn’t China supposed to be the most technologically advanced country with all their computers and what not? How could the most famous and popular world event ticket center crash with all the money and time being put into things? They should have backups or something along those lines. I can only imagine (and can’t wait for) the winter Olympics in Toronto in ’10, those ticket sales should just be a hoot. Hopefully we all learn from this. Maybe Toronto won’t screw the tickets up, even with the super advanced technology that Canada is known for. Just kidding, were going to learn from this and I’m pretty confident that the Olympic squad or team or whatever there called will be on to of it. By the way, this summer will be twice as good as normal because of the Olympics.